Alice in Wonderland Show #4
Alice in Wonderland Show #4
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Boys Move! 6/7 Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Townhouse - Ms. Marina Ballet 4/5 Alices, Townhouse - Ms. Alice Ballet 1 (4:30pm) Dancing Cards, Santee - Ms. Kara Hip Hop 3 Celebration Dance, Burlington - Mr. Anthony Leads, Alice - Amy Sierra Lea…
Saturday, May 15 2021
6:45 PM
7:15 PM
Peter Pan Show #4
Peter Pan Show #4
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Ballet 1 (4:30pm) Tinkerbell, Santee - Ms. Camille Modern 1/1.5 (6:30pm) Lost Boys, Townhouse - Ms. Laurie Jazz 4 Alligators, Townhouse - Ms. Stephanie Breaking 1.5 (7:30pm) Celebration Dance, Burlington - Ms. Lili Leads, Peter - Alondra Corne…
Saturday, May 22 2021
6:45 PM
7:15 PM
Peter Pan Show #2
Peter Pan Show #2
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Conservatory 1 Tinkerbell, Burlington - Ms. Ashley/Ms. Natasha Jazz 1 (4:30pm) Lost Boys, Santee - Ms. Chelsea Breaking 2/3 Alligators, Townhouse - Mr. Stunts Hip Hop 1 (Fri 4:15pm) Celebration Dance, Townhouse - Mr. Anthony Leads, Peter - Mir…
Saturday, May 22 2021
4:15 PM
4:45 PM
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #2
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #2
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Pre-Ballet (10:00am) Chickens, Santee - Ms. Kara Diavolo 2 (7:15pm) Farmers, Burlington - Ms. Kate Tap 1/1.5 (5:15pm) Tin Man, Townhouse - Ms. Assata Jazz 2 (4:15pm) Celebration Dance, Burlington - Ms. Cortney Leads, Dorothy - Emily Gonzalez …
Saturday, May 22 2021
11:15 AM
11:45 AM
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #3
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #3
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Pre-Ballet (9:00am) Chickens, Burlington - Ms. Cortney Ballet 1.5 (5:30pm) Farmers, Burlington - Ms. Sarah Tap 4/5 Tin Man, Townhouse - Mr. Steve Jazz 1.5/2 (5:30am) Celebration Dance, Santee - Ms. Chelsea Leads, Dorothy - Catherine Bach Lea…
Saturday, May 22 2021
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
PURCHASE DVD's ~ EBD! Annual Showings
PURCHASE DVD's ~ EBD! Annual Showings
Los Angeles, CA
2020-2021 EBD! Showings DVD's AVAILABLE BY PRE-ORDER ONLY DVD's for each showing are only available by pre-order NOW until July 31st (the end of the summer session). The cost is $5.00 per DVD. DVD's will arrive in the dance offices next dance season (usually in October). If you want to view the sh…
Sat, May 15 2021
10:00 AM
Sat, May 22 2021
7:15 PM
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #4
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #4
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Pre-Ballet (9:30am) Chickens, Santee - Ms. Natasha Ballet 1.5 (6:15pm) Farmers, Burlington - Ms. Cortney Tap 2 (6:15pm) Tin Man, Townhouse - Ms. Assata Jazz 3 Celebration Dance, Townhouse - Ms. Stephanie Leads, Dorothy - Catherina Bach Leads…
Saturday, May 22 2021
1:45 PM
2:15 PM
Peter Pan Show #3
Peter Pan Show #3
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Ballet 1 (5:30pm) Tinkerbell, Townhouse - Ms. Laurie DanceLab 1 Lost Boys, Townhouse - Ms. Chelsea Hip Hop 4 Alligators, Townhouse - Mr. Ernesto Hip Hop 1.5 (4:30pm) Celebration Dance, Santee - Ms. Rojonna Leads, Peter - Alondra Cornejo Lead…
Saturday, May 22 2021
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #1
Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ Show #1
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Pre-Ballet (11:00am) Chickens, Burlington - Ms. Cortney Diavolo 1.5 (6:15pm) Farmers, Burlington - Ms. Kate Tap 3 Tin Man, Townhouse - Mr. Steve Jazz 1.5 (5:15pm) Celebration Dance, Burlington - Ms. Ashley Leads, Dorothy - Emily Gonzalez Lea…
Saturday, May 22 2021
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Peter Pan Show #1
Peter Pan Show #1
Los Angeles, CA
:: Classes Performing | Clases Presentando :: Ballet 1 (4:15pm) Tinkerbell, Burlington - Ms. Ashley Dancelab 2 Lost Boys, Townhouse - Ms. Chelsea Hip Hop 2 (4:30pm) Alligators, Santee - Ms. Liz Hip Hop 1 (Fri 4:15pm) Celebration Dance, Burlington - Ms. Lili Leads, Peter - Miranda Aquino …
Saturday, May 22 2021
3:00 PM
3:30 PM